Our eyes
speak to us
Our ears
speak to us
Our heart
and skin
Speak to us
Of the world
These rivers
of information
flow together
and they update
our sense
of the world
But this feeling
of the world
is not the world
It is a model of the world
A ship in a bottle
And look, on this tiny ship
tiny people
and, oh, look
there you are
walking around on the deck
But who looks down
on this tiny ship
to see a tiny you
If we say
"I am looking down."
The ‘I’ says it
but it says it to
to that tiny
That person that
you think is you
is your imaginary
You, as imagined by you
The one that imagines is non-finite
The tiny person
on a tiny ship in a bottle
that model of you
is quite limited
Now if this blow to your sense of reality
has not caused you to flee
let’s do the rest
Your friends
not real
In your head
All the animals
all the stars in the sky
the Sun
the Moon
the ground up upon which you stand
useful illusions
created by you
inside your mind
Every single thing
in this universe
that you lay your
perception upon
is created inside you
by you
That feeling
of a big place out there
is actually the feeling
of a big place in here
There is a simple mathematical proof
that can be derrived
from the work
of Shannon or Kolmogorov
A being of complexity n
can only model
a being of complexty m
where m is quite a bit less complex
than n
So now we stand on a world
unknowable in it’s totality
looking out from a self
unknowable in it’s totality
dancing with friends
unknowable in in their totality
But they are there
and we are all real
But we don’t get to see real
We only get to be real
Upper Managment:
We are trained
to look up
for managment advice
reagarding the self
Perhps this is the slot
left over from literally looking up
at taller parents
The point is
All the advice you ever get
happens on that tiny ship
But the one that looks down
on that tiny ship
will always hold all the cards
when it comes
to managing you
The tiny one on the ship
is John Snow
knowing nothing
a model of a person
You are not
John Snow
your only chance;